How It Works

Everyone's nose is different, so finding the perfect placement for your Tabs is the most important step. This video guide will walk you through a step-by-step process to get the most out of your Intake. Ready for your best breath yet?

First, watch this.

Our Application Video will take you through how to apply your Tabs and Band for the best results every time.

Wondering where to stick 'em?

Watch our placement guide to find your perfect placement. Your nose is unique, so experiment to find what works best for you. Remember to clean your nose before applying your Tabs.

Troubleshooting: Your Band Doesn't Seem To Fit

Having trouble with a Band that just doesn't seem to fit? Watch this video to learn how to find your perfect Band size. Remember, we include 4 Band sizes in every Starter Kit to help you find your best fit.

Troubleshooting: The Band Doesn't Feel Comfortable

If your Band doesn't feel comfortable, you might need to adjust its position or try a different size. This video will show you how to make adjustments for optimal comfort and effectiveness.